Tychon Rapid Query

  • tychon added a new solution:


    Tychon is a fully integrated commercial solution that communicates over DXL fabric channels for instantaneous endpoint query and response, bringing real-time endpoint analytics to customers. Our integration with DXL also opens the door for vendors and OpenDXL developers to leverage the full power of the Tychon framework. By tapping into our DXL services and leveraging the Tychon ePO extension an administrator can:

    1. Execute a Shell Script across any number of connected assets and see the results instantly
    2. Get real-time answers when performing a WMI Query against the windows systems connected to the fabric
    3. Use the Tychon Historical Client Journal to search historical and current data for any file based on an array of meta-data including MD5, SHA1, SHA256, and Fuzzy Hashes
    4. Create a new Tychon package to add an array of features into ePO:
      • Client Side Scripts to execute across endpoints
      • Server Side Scripts to custom parse retrieved data, or listen on the DXL fabric for new event data
      • ePO Dashboards and queries to graphically view data being received from Tychon queries
      • New database tables to hold custom data reported by client/server scripts.
    5. Setup Real-Time monitoring feeds against any third party connected system (DXL, FTP, Relational Databases, Cloud Services, etc..) and respond to new data by:
      • Executing server side JavaScript
      • Perform an endpoint query using any Tychon supported query type (Shell, WMI, Tychon)
      • Forward the data to another third party system (Like Syslog)

    Tychon grants you the access you need to your entire enterprise from a single query point, no matter your network architecture, including parent/child architectures using ePO rollup. Integrate into multiple McAfee DXL connected devices out of the box, and with the MicroServices engine having direct access to DXL, the possibilities of integrations are endless. Just create a customized package, and you're off.